Working Breakfast Manifesto.
Working Breakfast has been set up to provide members with the opportunity to network in a relaxed and friendly environment whilst providing a structure that will ensure effective networking for both start-ups and established companies.

Additional Activities
Member Contributions. All member contributions will be collected at the end of each meeting and those that are pertinent will be posted to the News section of the Working Breakfast website as well as to our Social Media platforms. This means that member activity will result in a greatly enhanced social Media profile for both Working Breakfast and the member.
The Working Breakfast Website: Our website has just two objectives; to encourage people to visit our groups and to promote our members. Members have space to present their businesses, add photos and testimonials and have links to their own websites, at no extra cost. They can even advertise their own events.
In addition Working Breakfast will be introducing a "Members Offer" space that will allow the members to promote a service at a discounted rate to members. This will not only attract the member’s new business across all groups but also encourage new joiners who can only access that discounted service by joining Working Breakfast themselves.
Social Media: Working Breakfast will maintain a permanent Social Media campaign across all main platforms aimed at ensuring the growth of all our Working Breakfast groups and members businesses. Support will also be offered by Moger & Associates to any member needing help with their own Social Media campaigns at a much reduced cost. Social Media activities will in their own right give weight to the members own website ranking within the major search engines.
Mini-Seminars: Working Breakfast runs a programme of half hour seminars, usually offered by members, on topics of general interest. These take place every fourth meeting and are open to members and guests. There are no extra charges for these seminars. Members may also request outside speakers on topics that may not be covered by members.
Business Masterclass: Where a small group of members discuss, under the guidance of an expert moderator and business mentor, one member’s business in each session, with the combined expertise and experience of the group providing solutions to problems and suggestions aimed at improving and growing the member’s business. The Masterclass is still at the planning stage but will be launched in June 2012
Lunch with Special Guests: Once a month Working Breakfast will invite a special guest to lunch with members. Invitations will be sent to all members, with guest details and cost, and the first six members to reply will have the opportunity to meet the guest in a relaxed and social setting. Members will be free to suggest / introduce guests or to request someone from a specific background.
Social Evenings: Each group, or area will organise a social evening every third month. Members from all the groups in the area will be invited, giving an opportunity to get to know each other better and to make new contacts.
Visits to other Working Breakfast Groups. Where possible, members are encouraged to visit other Working Breakfast groups, with the objective of extending their individual networks.
Networking Workshops: Additional breakfast meetings will be scheduled as needed for each group to improve and develop networking skills. These will be two hour events and attendance will be mandatory for all new members, although established members will be very welcome as their experience will enhance the experience.
Meetings, (every second week), follow a set agenda:
15 minutes of informal networking
Members and guests introduce themselves and define the referrals they need. (1 minute each)
10 minute Networking Break
Presentation by a member (15 minutes)
Contributions. Members contribute by giving referrals, bringing guests, offering testimonials and thanks and reporting on one-to-one meetings.